soklan beliau adalah :
(1) ape yang kalian nak tahu mengenai kombinasi warna dan lighting?
- i dun really like yellowish tungsten light cz nak btulkan white balance so dat tak nmpak jaundiced adalah sgt susah. and also, kalo photographer nk bounce light using the wall, colors paling elok i tried so far is white and light blue.
NEVER yellow. So if nk wat yellow combi tu..try w a pastel-er color or cool colors-
(2) adakah warna tema penting utk sesuatu majlis perkahwinan?
- to me at least. it speaks personality and artistic value!-
(3) adakah pilihan tema warna mengikut selera anda atau tunang?
-for bertunang, totally my own. for nikah, me and him, for sanding, mine. for tandang, entirely him. Fair n square-
(4) adakah pilihan warna mengikut trend mase kini atau warna kegemaran anda?
-simply cz i like it. tak mesti trend will always be in trend,kan. asal lagi 20 taun my kids tgk my pics pon still akan puji majlis nmpak lawa is the key. hehe-
(5) apekah keinginan dan keperluan b2b utk merealisasikan impian perkahwinan anda?
-keperluan: masa, tenaga,usaha dan $$$. Keinginan is subjective. but i want mine to be meriah,very the ramai people attend, food tak berlebih sgt,people tak rasa burdened to attend and i feel happy in the end of the day..without breaking out of my budget-
(6) adakah anda setuju bahawa kombinasi antara tema warna dan pencahayaan itu penting utk menjayakan sesuatu majlis itu?
- one of it la.. end result msti nak gamba jd lawa,kn?-
hope i answered ur Q,sweetie
Kanda Segalanya, Dindalah Nyawa
1 month ago
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