Im writing this after my near-accident encounter yang ke-18 kot since i got engaged..
For those who know me.. Im a cekap driver. However mencabar the road pon i will be calm and all.. but since the engagement...
I dunno la. Asyik ade aje je yang nak berlanggar with me. I tak salah memane pon. People tibe2 sgtla tak sopan di jalan. Hampeh btul. Suma kiasu. I drive 60km/h on a normal road..and itu pon diorg try to overtake me without giving signals and all. HELLO!! takkan la takleh tggu lagi seminit?? Me driving has since felt so dangerous.
Yang peliknye, the same thing happens to Luqman.He pon got into so many near misses this 2 weeks..aduhai..laggi 8 months to go hope we both survive. Ya Allah, please help us.
And most importantly, Luqman selama ni the senyap guy yang takde nk go around being flirted at tetbe dpt a text msg from an anonymous kononnye "saw his fb account and nak bekenalan".
Hey,perempuan! Dah terang2 he letak status engaged tu yang nk sebok masuk line tu apehal? U lawa cam supermodel ke u nk suka2 je. ISh~! geram. Seb baik Luqman jnis yang tak melayan. He showed me the text, and deleted it right away.
Haih~ I dun wanna believe it now i have too la. Rupenye darah manis itu btul2 about u people? ada similar experiences?
Kanda Segalanya, Dindalah Nyawa
1 month ago
hi dear..b4 this ai cm xpercye this drh manis thingy but lately byk yg ai bce psl drh mns ni n things happened mcm2..aduss buat ai gabra plak..huhu but doa2 la semua lancar..:)
kesian nya korang... mencabar betul lepas engage eh? hambo tak engage so tak merasa lah. hiks.
it so happen that my beloved also hampir nak masuk gaung on his way back from town. dia pun cuak jugak. thirah pun lagi cuak bila dengar dia citer camtu. but alhamdulillah, since that near miss accident, takde lagi berhadapan dengan kes2 camni. syukur. anyway memang kena berhati-hati selalu. kadang2. kita dah berhati2, orang plak tak berhati2.. adooyaiiii....
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