1) The guests are asked to bring a pic that has the bride/groom/ bride & groom with them and paste it in the book. Then describe the memories they have of the pictures. This when looked back,can surely bring tears of knee-slapping laughter.
2) Keep loose stationaries like colored cards, multicolored buttons,flat beads and colored pens and markers. Make the guest write on them and choose a page to paste them-scrapbook style. This will bring out guests creativity!
3) Some guest just will not go beyond "Selamat Pengantin Baru" , "Congrats" and "Good Luck".. so it's essential we help them out by wrting on some quirky questions they can choose to answer in case of a mind-block. Examples include " How do you meet the bride/groom/bride & groom?" "Predict where the bride and groom would be in 25 years from nw?" "Write your favourite part of the wedding (so far)" "What is your most memorable time spent w the bride/groom/bride & groom?" "Advise for a happy marriage" etc etc--> paham kan what i mean
4) If you have people (including kids) who love to draw, encourage them to draw their depiction of the bride & groom (mayb along with their future children and house!)
5) Lastly....its the most important to have someone stand guard of ur guestbook to make sure evryone (esp that matters--since a typical Malay wedding can have upto 1000 guests) signs it...it makes no sense to have an empty one at the end of the reception,aite?
Some guestbook designs i heart~!
This could be inserted in some pages for those who do not want to go around gluing pics and buttons

Really elegance to the max! (in my case ill make the ribbon pink and the background gray to suit the theme)
These are cute..i like!
Quirky and fun. but i guess ill really have to work harder on these if i want them
If anybody has good ideas..please do share them with me..i want the conventional book..with some twisted ideas to make it unique. A book to me is easier to keep than loose papers and all.
Kay Kamal
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